Sunday 2 March 2014

House Names

Updated on 10th March 2014

Commission a large stone with a house name. Prices start at £5.


  1. Hi Joe and Poppy. This is a fantastic idea! I'll definitely put in an order. Pete

  2. Thank you very much for the feedback and whenever you order we will get that to you as soon as possible. I assume you will pay to Joe then we'll make it then send it to the Moores house and they can either post it to you or give it to you personally.Thank you once again for the comments.



If you would like to make an order, please specify your requirements above in the comments box or on the enquiry form on the left. Please make clear what you would like on the stone (e.g. text, poem), your address and quantity.

Unit costs: 35p per everlasting sweet pea shoot and between £1 to £10 (depending on complexity) for a painted stone (postage costs additional).